Layout Search

Guide to Milwaukie Pioneer Cemetery Lists:
The burial list is “our best guess” as to completeness and accuracy. We have used several lists prepared by largely unknown sources to compile as complete information as possible. When information differs, and we have several sources, we have chosen to use authority/hierarchy in the following manner: lists provided by whatever source available;
   list with the largest degree of overall accuracy;
   any available permits, receipts or other documentation;
   headstones (after all they are “carved in stone”);
   family information as provided, if k
nown to be “for sure”.

Plot Layouts
001    002    003    004    005    005A    009
010    011    012    013    014    015    016    017    018    019
020    021    022    023    024    025    026    027    028    029
030    031    032    033    034    035    036    037    038    039
040    041    042    043    044    045    046    047    048    049
050    051    052    053    054    055    056    057    058    059
060    061    062    063    064    065    066    067    068    069
070    071    072    073    074    075    076    077    078    079
080    081    082    083    084    085    086    087    088    089
090    091    092    093    094    095    096    097    098    099
100    101    102    103    104    105    106    107    108    109
110    111     112    113    114     115    116    117    118    119
120    121    122    123    124    125    126    127    128    129
130    131    132    133    134    135    136    137    138    139
140    141    142    143    144    145    146    147    148    149
150    151    152    153    154    155    156    157    158    159
160    161    162    163    164    165    166    167    168    169

Burial list by Name Military list by Name

General information about the burial lists:
In 2007-2009, the late Madalaine Bohl, Director of Milwaukie Museum and Cemetery Trustee and Dolly Macken-Hambright, Trustee and sec/treas of the Pioneer Cemetery Assoc. spent 3 summers at the cemetery, photographing and transcribing all of the markers then found at the cemetery.

The winters of those years were spent collating the information from all of the sources then on hand, and it is felt that the best and most complete record of those buried at Milwaukie Pioneer is encompassed by the list in this file.

The data base used allowed for rearranging information along different perimeters, which is why there are 3 lists, containing the same information, in this file.

There are still copies of old, inaccurate, out-of-date lists floating around in records here and there, but none of them will be as valuable for research as
these lists and none will be as accurate as we have tried to make this list.

Should the original burial book surface someday... it will be interesting to compare notes and see how one differs from the other.

List Key: Each list uses the same key
Under Notes column: includes misc. info. and the following—
“perm”—a burial permit in file. (Permit numbers appear to have no system, but have been included where found, just in case some sort of tracking system shows up in the future.)
“perm?”—a burial permit may have existed at some time. We do not have it. “rcpt”—a burial plot digging receipt in file.
“CD”—certificate of death, Board of Health, Oregon or other. When the “perm” or “rcpt” entry is followed by a “letter”—the undertaker/funeral home (see key below) which may have more information, if their records can be found.
NOTE: When a cause of death is shown, it comes from the burial permit, and is only shown if there may be an old newspaper article or other that could contain further information. We have shown babies w/ “stillborn” or “premat” in order to confirm age.
“GAR” (Grand Army of the Republic) list—this individual appeared on a list drafted by someone showing burials of individuals who served in the Civil War—it appears that there may be possibly 1 or 2

CSA (Confederate States of America) soldiers included on this list also.
“PM”—name appears on grave plot maps drawn in the 1960’s and added to as time went by.
“WOW”—Woodmen of the World headstones.
“W”— “Waverly Cemetery” list published Fall, 1963, in Newsletter of the Mt. Hood Trackers Genealogical Group, list is incomplete, has many errors and the source is unknown.
“D”—appeared on the DAR list, see headstone info. below.
“B”—family info contained in latest edition of “Milwaukie Pioneer Cemetery Comes To Life”
Under the “hdstn. found” column:
“X” — we have found and verified an existing headstone since 2003.
“X-33” —there may have been a headstone in 1933 (info. from a list done by the DAR sometime in 1933 and added to at a later date—very inaccurate list—may have been of wood?)
“X+33” —this grave appeared on the DAR list above and still has an existing marker.
“*” &/or “sons”—this person appears on the list loaned to us from the American Legion (*) or Sons of Civil War Vets (sons). The Legion list purportedly came from some sort of county records and has a fair degree of accuracy (“P-79 county records” written on the list??).

Under date/records col: year of death first—actual death or burial date if known—# of yrs. w/+ means mons, wks. & days shown somewhere (headstone, permit or list).<br style=" font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-

Undertaker / Funeral Hone Keys

BA—Buck (Ardenwald)

BM—Burning Mission



ES—Eastside FH










MS—Mt. Scott





Port—Portland Misc FH

OCY—Oregon City FH

SJ—St. Johns



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